2 items

Granada Television Scripts for Coronation Street

1 box

Archaeological Desk Based Assessment of 123-125 Liverpool Road, Manchester

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

2 items

Publications relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

4 items

Material relating to the "Mark & Lard" Show

3 items

Collection of Newspapers Printed by Trafford Park Printers

7 items

Marketing and Customer Material from Bentley Motors

1 box

Archaeological Archive for Piccadilly Place, Manchester

1 item

Gene flow in plants and micro-organisms – initiative workshop

1 item

BASF "More, better, faster - BASF and Monsanto establish collaboration in plant biotechnology"


"The story of golden rice"

1 book

"What on earth is biotechnology?"

1 item

From J. K Patel regarding a draft for an issue of Outlooks on Pest Management where Trewavas' paper would be published

1 item

"Dispelling the myths - the real facts about agricultural biotechnology and biotech food"


"An Analysis of McLean County, Illinois Farmers’ Perceptions of Genetically Modified Crops"

1 item

"Safety of genetically engineered foods: approaches to assessing unintended health effects"

1 item

CD containing Polyethylene PowerPoint Presentation for the Science Museum


Scrapbook No. 54, February 2005


Scrapbook No. 42, January 2004


Talking of Food GM foods debate London disk 1

1 item

Correspondence with Mylnefield Research Services Ltd regarding contract of trials and including plans of proposed land

1 item

Philip K. M'Pherson biography

5 sheets

Correspondence with BayerCropScience regarding the terms of his trial contract

1 item

Nanostructured and Photoelectrochemical Systems for Solar Photon Conversion

1 book

European Commission "Food quality and safety in Europe"


"Insect Resistance Management for Bt Corn: An Assessment of Community Refuge Schemes"

2 MiniDiscs

BASF MiniDisc

1 CD

Agricultural Biotechnology Europe farmers trip


Scrapbook No. 59, September 2005

1 Box

2004 GM reports and reviews

10 volumes

Scrapbooks 2007


Scrapbook No. 69, July 2006

1 item

"Who's misunderstanding whom? Science, society and the media" Economic and Social Research Council


Scrapbook No. 88, January 2008

1 item

Philip Keith M'Pherson biographical note for INCOSE


PhD Thesis: A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud

"GM firms must pay for damage to nearby farms"

"GM firms must pay for damage to nearby farms"

1 item

Letter from St. George's House enclosing report of farming consultation

1 item

Correspondence with attached biographies of U.S. Grains Council members

1 folder

Press cuttings relating to BASF and GM crops


"The world according to Monsanto: from dioxin to genetically modified crops"

1 report

"Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture"

1 book

Polish Ministry of the Environment "Organizmy genetycznie zmodyfikowanr"

1 item

Sense about science "I don't know what to believe..."


Into the Long Waves

60 pages

Prospectus for University College London School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Taught Programmes and Research

Night and Day "You have the power to stop GM food - Use it!"

Night and Day "You have the power to stop GM food - Use it!"

1 large file

Press cuttings folder January 2004


Newsletter - January 2008


Fax message from Arthur Gilbert to Patrick Moore